News Hub in Turkish and Empowerment for Immigrants in Canada
Let independent and inclusive news with İrep Çakır at Turkish Voice of Canada be your strength!
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Discover a source of inspiration, knowledge and collective experiences for those living in Canada, have family, business, or educational ties with Canada, or those who aspire to live in Canada. Follow us on the issues that will affect immigrant lives around the world.
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30 Years Dedicated to Journalism and Media

Photo credit: Mustafa Abadan

Photo: Sebati Karakurt

Strong Ties Between Us

My dearest İrep Çakır 🙂
If it weren't for your reporting, I wouldn't have dared to come here a year ago.
Even though it has not been easy, my dear son and I are still standing by following you and your beautiful energy.
I'm grateful to have known you, you beautiful person.
Sinem Selametoğlu

Being informed means knowing.
No nation can take the right step without knowing.
You are our voice, our source of knowledge, our self-guidance.
I'm glad Ms. İrep chose to travel with us.
We are with you with all our hearts.
Burçin Sütçü Kesik
Canadian Alawi Cultural Center

Dear İrep Çakır,
You are like our guide and our roof in Canada. I love listening to you and watching you.
Your reporting has been very useful to me.
And here I am.
Mine Karaçaylı

She is definitely our guide in Canada.
Even if Ms. İrep speaks Spanish, we can understand her.
Amazing person.
Erkan Açıkgöz

My dear sister İrep,
You are the best guide I know on immigration issues. We are grateful to you for providing us with all the updated information. I hope you continue this good work as long as you have the energy.
Best regards,
Rozerin Izoz

Many thanks to İrep Çakır and the Turkish Voice of Canada for the valuable news and information they provided to the Canadian Turkish community.
Onur Baki

Dear Ms. İrep,
You are someone who has become our inner voice in Canada. With the warmth of family, you enlighten us on every subject with your beauty, quality stance, skills and experience. Everyone should know who you are.
We want to continue listening to you.
Evrens, Özge, Sara

Dear Ms. İrep, I was watching you all the time before I came to Canada. I especially love how you tell the news with excitement. I can say that thanks to your videos, I stopped being a fish out of water here. I am thankful for your efforts.

For me, Ms. Irep helps me understand what is happening in Canada, and when I listen to her and watch her, I feel good, even free.
We are lucky to have you.
Vedat Gulkanat

Dear Ms. İrep,
I have been following you for a long time, and I have reaped the benefits from your reporting. Before I came from Turkey, I learned everything about Canada and what was happening here thanks to you. When I woke up in the morning, I would always look to see if there was anything new on YouTube, and my son would say, "I always wake up with this woman's voice."
Thank you very much for the work you do.
Thank you, bless you.
İrina Karakoç

About Us
“Our experiences make us unique. I believe through sharing our knowledge, stories and insights we can enrich our own lives and elevate our communities. Becoming stronger together is possible when we speak the same language of mind, heart and soul!”

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